Artificial grass has been manufactured in the same way since Chemstrand started making ChemGrass (later to become AstroTurf) back in 1965. The process itself is very similar to carpet production and some artificial grass manufacturers actually use decommissioned carpet manufacturing plant to make their grass.
There are three materials commonly used in the manufacture of artificial grass…
Polyethylene (PE)
Polypropylene (PP)
In most circumstances Polyethylene is the most suitable material for the manufacture of artificial grass.
Here are some reasons why…
PP is a stiffer and harder material than PE and we’ve found in our own experience of buying artificial grass PP products tend to be much shinier than polyethylene. However adding some substances we can minimise the shine.
PP is known to produce a higher static charge than PE so it will generate more static energy with the potential for static shocks.
PP is a more rigid material and is more prone to breakages and tears than PE which is more flexible.
PP is more vulnerable to be damaged by UV and heat unless add UV protection substances.
PP is a cheaper material to buy as PE is a purer product.
Nylon has many properties that make it a fantastic material for artificial grass but it is the most porous material out of the three and as such it’s not recommended for use where the grass may come into contact with animals which includes most landscape applications.
a note about Polyethylene…
Polyethylene is manufactured in a variety of grades – C2, C4, C6 and C8 in which the number denominates the number of carbons in the polymer.
When it comes to artificial grass C2 and C4 are the most commonly used grades of polyethylene. Combining the properties of these polymers creates products that ultimately are structured to have the best product lifecycle possible.