Playgrounds are critical for early childhood development. Children rely on physical activity in order to grow, to develop strong muscles and motor skills, and to burn energy so they can focus in class and learn. It is essential for schools and especially childcare centres to invest in a good quality playground with lots of activities and outdoor play gear.
One of the most important features of a great playground is turf. Turf looks beautiful, softens up the playground to reduce the risk and severity of injuries and turfs are fantastic for various play activities such as sports, running and various types of games.
More and more Australian schools are starting to switch over to artificial grass for school playgrounds because this type of turf is a lot more beneficial for children and school environments for all of the following reasons.
Low maintenance
Artificial grass is a one time investment that can last for decades without extra expenditure or costly maintenance requirements. There is no need for schools to trim the grass and edges, fertilise, wet or fight off pesticides in artificial grass in Brisbane. The grass stays in perfect condition with minimal cost or effort.
A safer and healthier play area
Artificial turf in Sydney is a lot safer and healthier than normal turf. Artificial turf is hypoallergenic and better suited for young children, especially those with allergies or respiratory problems.
Artificial grass is also a lot more suitable for play since there are no fine hairs on this grass to cause itching. Thick synthetic grass like Premier Buffalo Grass is 48mm thick and a perfect buffer to protect children from injuries when they are climbing, running and enjoying sports. Indoor play areas also become a lot safer to play in since the synthetic turf prevents slipping and thick padded artificial grass is superb for absorbing impact.
No toxins in artificial grass
Normal lawns require a lot of fertilisers and pesticides in order to keep the grass in great condition. Artificial grass, on the other hand, is a very unsuitable habitat for insects and the chances of infestation are much lower. This means no pesticides are required and there certainly is no need for fertilisers. Children are never exposed to these artificial toxins or harmful chemicals when they enjoy the playground.
Artificial grass promotes playtime
Artificial grass is perfect all year round and doesn’t require irrigation. Kids can play on dry grass each and every day without being restricted. The grass is also completely insect free which means kids are not afraid to step onto the grass for play time.
More play opportunities
This wonderful grass type makes it much easier for schools to create active play areas just about anywhere. Schools can line classroom areas with artificial grass, use this grass outside in playgrounds, cover indoor playgrounds or dining areas and much more. Kids can enjoy much more versatility and more play areas since it is much easier for schools to create more play areas at a much lower investment cost.
Easy to keep hygienic
Hygiene is a big issue in schools. It is so important to maintain sanitary work and play areas so children won’t be infected by sick kids. Artificial grass makes it easier to keep play areas hygienic because the grass can be rinsed off on a regular basis and even washed with a mild soap. The durability and flexibility of this type of turf make it much easier for schools to maintain a clean environment.
Artificial grass is a wonderful solution for any school or childcare playground. This type of lawn is incredibly functional and benefits both institutions and students in various ways.
Our Different Grass Types & Locations:
Pet Friendly | Sports Turf | Artificial Grass Sydney | Artificial Grass Brisbane
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